The employees of Computer Science and Engineering Department of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University Maryna Derkach and Danylo Matiuk took part in 14th IEEE Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies – DESSERT’2024 in Athens, Greece (October 11-13, 2024).
- National Aerospace University KhAI, Kharkiv, Ukraine
- Hellenic Military Academy, Athens, Greece
- University of Thessaly, Lamia, Greece
- Leeds Beckett University, UK
- Institute of Informatics and Telematics of the National Research Council (IIT CNR), Pisa, Italy
- Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine
- IEEE Greece Section
- IEEE Student Branch University of Thessaly – Lamia

About 200 papers have been submitted to the conference. 145 papers have been accepted and will be published in the DESSERT proceedings to be included in IEEE Exlore Library and indexed by Scopus. The 467 participants presented 19 countries.
Workshops of the conference:
- WS1, 2nd International Workshop on Human-machine Cooperation and Risk Management in Critical Systems (WS HMaRS’2024)
- WS2, International Workshop on Earth Intelligence for Safe and Resilient Recovery of Ukraine, (WS EI4SRR-DESSERT’2024)
- WS3, International Workshop on Resilience of Energy Sector and Modeling Electric Power Systems under Military Threats (WS RESMEMT’2024)
- WS4, International Workshop “Modeling, Optimization and Control in Information and Technology Systems” (WS MOCITS-DESSERT’2024)
- WS5, International Workshop on Cybersecurity and Resilience of Aerospace Radioelectronic and Computer Systems (CybeRReCS-DESSERT’2024)
- WS6, International Workshop on Intelligent and Secured Cyber-Physical Systems (ENABLE-DESSERT’2024)

DESSERT’2024 is addressing the main theoretical, methodological and technological challenges related to Dependable, Resilient and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Everything and Robotic Systems, Big Data Analytics for a Safe and Secure World.
The event was held in a mixed format, participants from Ukraine had the opportunity to join remotely using Google Meet.

Our representatives presented the results of their research in the session – AI TOOLS.